Whether you are a Student or a Professional, we will help you every step of the way to find your new Home
We make finding the right place to call your home a positive experience, filled with excitement and possibilities.
We strive to be the best landlords in Nottingham because:
We aim to provide affordable luxury living with low deposits so you get the chance to make a start out on life but in comfort and with the confidence to be independent and have a home that you can be happy to come back to.
We provide to all tenants:
Accommodation with CCTV surveyed properties
Home-from-home Service
Our fantastic letting services include:
Inclusive and exclusive contracts
Rental agreements with a private caring landlord
Fully furnished accommodation
If you would like to speak to us directly, then please get in touch by clicking on the link below or Check out our properties on Zoopla!
0115 844 7087
Rental properties at prices sweeter than honey.